Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Weapon Shop de Omasse: Rythm Smithing with Charm

Weapon Shop de Omase is a rythm based blacksmithing game in which you rent weapons you crafted to story characters  or NPC's with various numbers after the name NPC.

The basic crafting is centered around maintaining a combo streak throughout the process of hammering the molten ingot the desired weapon this is done by hitting the pattern of strikes set to a specific beat. the higher the streak the higher the bonus to the different damages to the weapon, slash, pierce, and blunt. while crafting the weapon you have a time while its over heated perfect temperature and its too cool to forge so there's also a slight time limit that can be extended by reheating the piece on coal that is a limited resource but you should always have more than enough to never have to scrap a piece.

The real place this game shines is the dialogue of the characters whether its NPC 24 asking you if you want to save such a great weapon for a character with a name or the fabulous Mr. Grape asking for a giant club so he can defend himself from monsters while he gathers ingredients for a beauty cream. The characters all have personality and stories that compel you to make better weapons so you can see where there story goes and what new weapons you can craft.

Overall the game is fun rewarding and friendly and is just a welcoming gay to play for an hour or two on the the plane or when you just have a few minutes to kill. The crafting is fun the story is fun and there isn't a single complaint that I can find with this game especially for its eight dollar price tag its a great game to play.

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