Sunday, March 13, 2016

Burnt Out

Lets talk Early Access and Betas. What appears to have started as a useful tool for mass testing for a game has turned into a bit of a cluster of meanings. Early Access used to a mean a game that just needed a few bugs out and a minor content update where as now it doesn't even have to be a game. I believe Jim Sterling recently referenced a game called "Just Death" a game in which there were five people to kill, that's not the plot of the game though there are literally five people to kill. that's not even worthy to be called an alpha and its being sold for $15. You know what game is less than that? Undertale! A complete, well made game with some thought not some piss poor GTA rip off. Early access may have started as a great way to start a community and receive input on your game but with the sheer volume of games coming out in early access and the states they're in is just unacceptable.

One Amazing example of an Early Access game is Darkest Dungeon. Darkest Dungeon is an innovative, dungeon crawling, RPG that came out in early access as a solid well established game that only needed minor tweeking. This is a massive contrast to many games coming out in early access

The other Problem with early access and betas is that people will gorw tired of your game before its out. TotalBiscuit said "You only get one release," There is only one release you can use, people only pay attention to the one time your game comes out. People's attention is incredibly short and they will forget your game because they were excited for it to come out and play it but now that they can play it they don't care about updates.

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