Sunday, March 27, 2016

Clash Royale... With a Pinch of Salt

From SuperCell, the makers of "Clash of Clans," comes a brand new competitive strategy game, "Clash Royale." This game features the clans and online competitive nature of Clash of Clans but rather than destroying an enemy base that they built you use cards of the characters from Clash of Clans to destroy your opponents three "Crown Towers." rather than just playing your cards you have a certain amount of Elixir that builds up over time. Much like Clash of Clans you and your clan earn trophies alone and together.  I'll be honest i wasn't the biggest fan of Clash of Clans but Clash Royale is my go to game on the toilet or on the plane as the games are only 2 to 3 minutes long.

Now Clash Royale being a free to play mobile game might make you ask how "Pay to Win" this game is. That's part of the beauty of this game is. The things you pay for are used to buy cards which you use to level up the duplicates you have and leveling up in turn allows your cards to become stronger. The game is separated by certain arenas based on the amount of crowns you have which you earn by beating other people and as you progress other players in your arena will have stronger and stronger cards so people who pay to get cards are paying to move up in arenas but as they rush through the game they can miss out on crucial parts of the current meta and effective strategies crippling their future play.

Another part of this game I absolutely love is the stream built in to the game that allows you to view the games of the top players. I love being able to see what effective strategies and combinations of cards are and these games get hundreds of thousands of views within hours of going up. From what I understand this game already has a fairly large Esports scene in China and it is easy to understand why.

My main complaint for this game is personal because no other game has made me quite so angry as A 10 GAME LOSING STREAK AND LOSING OVER 100 TROPHIES WHEN I WAS ON THE VERGE OF MOVING UP IN AN ARENA! (After which i played for an hour trying to regain as many trophies That's purely personal though, I encountered a fairly major problem in which i could not run the app and it would crash at the 50% on the loading screen. after and uninstall and a data wipe didn't do it I didn't install it for a for a few days then reinstalled and had to progress from the start.

Overall I have to say as frustratingly fair as this game is its a ton of fun and a clan with all of your friends is a blast and challenging each other everyday allows you to experiment with new decks and cards to help you in the long run. I have to give this game a glowing recommendation because it really shows how great free mobile games can be in a market that is so cluttered with lackluster games.

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