Wednesday, March 30, 2016

VR: Holy Shit it's the Future!

VR is awesome, ok? its just one of the coolest things I've ever experienced and I only got to play with the early Occulus build at a trade show in Las Vegas. Even something that simple compared to the products we have today the experience was mind blowing and the trick VR plays on your mind is probably the scariest thing that can happen to you while gaming.

What intrigues me about VR is the ability to be in a game and to truly see the size and scope of a game or world. I say "or World" because there are also non games in VR like The Samsung VR Netflix application that puts you in a theater that you can watch Netflix in. Also a few people played Minecraft in VR and said the scale was insane because the blocks in Minecraft are one meter cubed which is up to some peoples chest. which really shows how big the world of Minecraft is which we could not appreciate from the normal perspective on the screen. I will say fighting zombies is also a lot scarier when you have to fight them when they're bigger than you and up in your face.

What I really want to talk about is the trick that VR plays on your brain. The trick is convincing your brain that its scared of the "real" things that are happening. A gif  (  I saw was people going out off a skyscraper on a board to grab a cat off the edge and a comment on the video asked what it would take to to pull a "matrix" and realize the edge wasn't real and just walk off the edge because they were just walking on a board on the ground. in real life. Now it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to realize its not real but they use real footage of a city beneath you and just watching the gif was terrifying. Now the question is mind over matter would you possess the willpower to walk off the edge in order walk into the air to their apparent death?

VR may be the way to experience technology in the future but for now i think $400 plus prices make the product way to niche for the general public and it needs to be more user friendly so even the dumbest consumer could set it up. One thing that VR needs to succeed is triple A support and big name brands coming out for VR.

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